Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Catch up - Provo Canyon in July 2010

It must be said: I love Provo Canyon.

I've spent countless hours up there and we always have to go whenever we're in UT. These were taken during our trip in early July 2010. My parents, sister, Kenny, and I (and Lola, 2.5 months old) went up to enjoy the weather and play some boccie ball. (This was also the day I came down with my first bout of mastitis. THAT part wasn't so fun.)

...and see how ugly we could make ourselves look...
we're really good at looking bad.

Then, I few days later we, my siblings, and April (a.k.a. Ryan's lady friend) returned for more boccie and some playing in the river.

Guess how this ended.
I realize this isn't a particularly big jump. The true feat was being willing to jump in that freezing water. Or, in Anna's case, get dunked in that freezing water.

Becca planned to jump. Really, she did. Unfortunately, halfway up the rock she slipped and ended up in the water anyway. Ryan (and some random guys) saved her though before she was swept downstream.
Lola and I hung out where it was dry and mostly took photos. As usual.
Our "Stand By Me" shot.
Again, we LOVE this canyon.


The Brady Bunch said...

Boccie ball is the best and I haven't played it in years! I LOVE getting on your blog to see the pictures you guys take, they always brighten my day and give me some inspiration to do something fun.

Melissa Tiek said...

So I laughed really hard when I saw your ugly pictures because me and my little brother used to do this all the time...sometimes in public places much to my parents dismay.

Holly said...

I stumbled upon your blog a while back and I absolutely LOVE your posts. Your photography is amazing, your family is adorable, and I secretly envy your eclectic style! I thought I would share, rather than continuing to creep your posts!! ;)
Take care!