Lola Dee turned two months old this week. At 10 lbs 12 oz and 22 inches, she's as average as a girl that age can be (i.e. 50th percentile across the board). But not to us. Probably because she's ours.

Love that smile...wish you could see the dimple.

Always so serious with that furrowed brow.

She really loves helping her dad work. Or rather she loves keeping him from getting any work done. She's REALLY good at that.

I love her purple eyes.

She's more aware of her hands lately. Why I'm so fascinated by this, I don't know. But I'm as interested in her hands (and everything) as she is.

And she's loving that she gets to see her Uncle Ryan so much. We'll all be sad when he moves back to UT at the end of the summer.

In other news...I'm slowly getting a life back. This means I might actually start posting about something other than The Girl from time to time. I've got a great blog-rant in the works. So stay tuned.
I'm excited.
I love this kid.
She is so beautiful! Her eyes are amamzing! I've never seen eyes that color on a baby.
dude, she's kind of perfect.
ahh she is soo cute! I want to hold her! Will you please come to Utah and let me hold her? My tiny baby's not so tiny any more. Sooo cute, love those first months, they go by too fast!
Oh how cute! I love her awesome expresions. Looks like you are having fun with her!
she is so adorable in her little fuzy buns diapers!
She looks 100% different! That's so weird. Not weird in a bad way, in very cute way. She seems likes she is looking so much lighter. Crazy.
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