Monday, August 10, 2009

My youngest sister is officially a teenager today (happy birthday, Anna). My parents must feel ancient. Anyway, I was wishing her a happy day via facebook when I came across these gems in her photo archives:

"Family Calisthenics" Dad, Anna, Becca (still in her pajamas), and Ryan

It's missing out on things like that that make me sad I live so far away from family. Luckily, when I do see them, they provide plenty of opportunity to recreate the magic. (Apparently, my family really enjoys "excercising" in people's yards.)

"Peach Days Yoga"(cousin Jason, sister Becca, cousin-in-law Melissa, brother Ryan, sister Anna, and me)

Attention all family: Peach Days '09 better bring it. Peach Days '08 will prove to be a tough act to follow. Don't fret though, St. Peach Day (a.k.a. Kenny) is getting warmed up and is almost ready for the action. Please don't let him down.


Doreen said...

What's the deal with calling us ancient!!!!! You kids keep getting older, Dad and I - NEVER!
Love you,

Doreen said...

We do take some classy photos don't we? (This is a rhetorical question just in case anyone was wondering).

Read and Camille King said...

hey there HOT BRADY'S, I was just wondering when peach days are and when we can be so lucky to be graced by your presence?

Unknown said...

Your family pictures are way better than the ones my family took last night!

Bek said...

love the yoga picture. love it.