Monday, April 20, 2009

Blame the Establishment

The temperature in Newport Beach, CA at 3:51pm is 94 degrees. (For real...on the coast!)

Despite the fact that the world is melting outside my office, I'm sitting here in a wool coat with a space heater strategically placed at my feet.

Either (a) I'm a reptilian wimp or (b) my company's building managers are total sadists. I'm leaning toward the later...


Unknown said...

When it's really hot outside, I know that it will be a cold day in the office. If it's the first hot day in a while, then the a/c will stop working around 3:00 and all of the offices get very hot. It's a no-win situation. I feel you (cold) pain!

Maybe this weekend it will be hot again and I can accompany you to the beach. Bathing suit season isn't too far off (although I should probably devote my time to getting a six-pack instead)!

lyndsey said...

um...your picture scares me. but i am in the exact same boat. the hotter it is outside, the colder my office gets. first 100 degree day of the year? i'm bringing a scarf and jacket to work. barf.

Kat Clark said...

Ok I love that movie. I have been watching it since I was a tyke. Sorry you're so cold just get pregnant and you'll never need that heater again!

Melissa Tiek said...

I am glad you liked the announcement. Jason actually designed it on our computer. And I have to admit I am pretty stoked for graduation.