Todays the day...

This is the U.S. Bank Building. With 75 floors (1,500 individual steps) it is the tallest building on the West coast. I've been forced to humbly acknowledge this fact every time I've driven by or through L.A. over the last few months; even from a distance, one can see it rising above the surrounding structures, silhouetted against the San Gabriel mountains. Anyway, in a few hours I - and approximately 1,000+ others - will be crammed into its normal-sized industrial stairwell to climb over each other as we race to the top. I'm anticipating lots of lactic acid build up and maybe some light nausea and vomiting.
I'm excited.
Wow. Seriously stoked on this. At my school (a meager 10 stories..) I just started "The Stair Club" T.S.C. for all the students who want to only take the stairs for all their classes. I am excited for you Jill, Hoorah!
Go girl! I can honestly say I am not envious of you you right now. That's a first!
GOOD LUCK!!!! I can't wait to hear how you did/ or visit you in the hospital. Either one.
dude. i work literally right next door to the us bank building. so sad i missed you! how was it?
So how is your butt? Does it hurt when you sit down on the toilet?
Thanks for missing my face Wednesday. I had a friend's birthday dinner to go too. Now the question is, after taking on this amazing feat, am I going to see you this Wednesday night or are you going to be recovering?
how'd it go love? miss ya lady.
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