Monday, May 7, 2012

Lots of Pictures...

Jade Matilda. I'm just going to post a whole bunch of photos. Enjoy.

3 days old and finally home.

Five days old.

(She rolled over at one week. Also, when left on her tummy she will scoot herself forward until she's off the blanket. Bummer.)
 My mom got into town when Jade was 6 days old and stayed for two weeks. It was wonderful having her here - especially during the move - and Lola misses her terribly.
 Lola finally became interested in her little sister about a week after she was born.  She was especially fascinated by Jade's toes (below) and her belly button. Lola kept looking at it and saying "ouch" as Jade's umbilical cord had yet to fall off.

 It wasn't long before Lola had to introduce Jade to her Yo Gabba crew.
 And she insisted that Daddy put some sunnies on Jade.
 Jade makes some pretty great faces...
 Jade and Grandma
 Jade at two weeks old...and not super happy.

 Finally calmed down.


The Multi-tasking Momma said...


why are the seconds ones so determined!

Melissa Tiek said...

She is so cute! I'm glad your mom got to come visit. I'm sure she was in heaven. :)

Unknown said...

Jade just HAD to one-up Desmond and roll over sooner :) Actually, I didn't know she did that. It's scary, right? She's beautiful and I'm happy to see Lola likes her.