In terms of photo quality and color, I LOVE this picture of my handsome husband.
Beautiful classical building by a rad art deco building...look harder. Yes that's a Burger King. What a crime.
This would be a whale skeleten. WOW. That jaw bone is a good 25 feet long at least! (Kenny thinks it's actually a bad 25 feet. ha ha.)
Art: random and awesome.
New Zealand Rocks!
After the museum, we drove around the city for awhile and then began our (rainy) trip up north (300 miles or so) to Rotorua. On the way we passed the HUGE Lake Taupo. It's 260 square miles and round. It looks like an ocean. There's only two towns on the Lake, though, Turangi at the south and Taupo at the north.
As always, I played with my camera along the way. A missionary serving in our ward lent me a bunch of filters, so I passed the time playing with those.
These photos are beautiful!
Every one of your outfits on this trips was fabulous!
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